Milan, Maud, and Paul Fletcher
Milan Fletcher built the house at 418 Peach Street for himself, his wife Maud and his son and only child, Paul.
Milan's mother and her grandson
Milan and Paul Fletcher
Maud and Paul Fletcher
Photos taken at different times of Mlan and his wife Maud with the house at 418 Peach, Erie, Pa in the background.

These snaps were taken looking south from the lawn of the home to the north of 418.

The large lawn was the front lawn of a victorian mansion that was used as a residence for the nursing students at Hammot Hospital.

In my youthful summers I remember flirting with the nurses when they sunbathed on the lawn.

Sometime in the late 1950's the house was demolished and a medical clinic was built on the site.
Paul Fletcher was trained as a military aviator at MIT in Massachussets. The family legend is that he was downed in the English Channel during WWI.

The photograph to the left shows a two seat trainer of the period, possibly with his mother in the students seat.

The second photgraph shows Paul in a Stutz Bearcat with English side drive.

Paul died suddenly, of influenza, in 1923. It is difficult for me to imagine what a tradgedy this was for the Erie Fletchers.

A part of his obituary is reproduced here above; a more detailed obit is available on the link below..
This page and its contents copyright 2012 Wayne Openlander and may be reproduced with proper credit.
Mae, Willard, and Kathryn Openlander
Additional Photos of the House
Photographs and Obituaries
Obituaries: Fletchers and Boors
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